List of Medical, Medical Assistant, Medical education, Medical Programs
Schools Colleges & Universities in South Africa.
Medical University of Southern
Africa (MEDUNSA), Faculty of Medicine
P.O. Box 210, Pretoria 0204
Phone: +27 12 529 4321
University of Cape Town, Faculty of
Anzio Road, Observatory, Cape Town 7925, Cape Province
Phone: +27 21 406 6107
University of Natal, Faculty of Medicine
Umbilo Road, Private Bag 7, Durban, 4041, Kwazulu/Natal
Phone: +27 31 260 4232
University of Pretoria, School of
Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences
P.O. Box 667, Pretoria 0001
Phone: +27 12 354 2386
University of Stellenbosch, Faculty
of Health Sciences - School of Medicine
P.O. Box 19063, Tygerberg 7505
Phone: +27 21 938 9111
University of the Orange Free State,
Faculty of Medicine
P.O. Box 339
Bloemein 9300
Phone: +27 51 401 2847
University of the Witwatersrand,
Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Clinical Medicine
7 York Road, Parktown, Johannesburg 2193
Phone: +27 11 717 2000
University of Transkei (UNITRA), Faculty
of Medicine and Health Sciences
2 East London Road, Private Bag 11, Umtata 5117, Eastern Cape
Phone: +27 471 302 233